This guide will connect an Axis Network Relay to an Axis Door Controller and make it configurable and operable through the Entryfy platform.
The hardware required for this example is the following:
- Axis A1001 or Axis A1601
- Axis A9161 or Axis 9188
Add a user to the Axis Network Relay.
Log in to the local device and go to Setup -> Additional DeviceConfiguration. See the screenshot below; this will bring you to the old Axis interface.
The next step is to press Users and add setup a username & password you will use when linking the Axis Network Door Controller to the Axis Network Relay.
Connect Axis Network Door Controller to the Axis Network Relay.
Log in to the local device and go to Setup -> A Network Peripherals. See the screenshot below.
Add the relay by entering the devices IP-address, username & password. This will generate an Token we need further down in the configuration.
Advanced Configuration
Select an Axis Door Controller that should connect to the Network Relay and go to the advanced configuration form, as shown below.
Create Door
Clicking Doors to expand and see which doors this door controller has, then press the New Item button and fill out the form. Press the Save button above the form to deploy it to the door controller.
Create DoorConfiguration
Now, we can create an associated DoorConfiguration for this door. Do this by clicking DoorConfigurations to expand and see which configurations this door controller has, then press the New Item button.
To link the DoorConfiguration to a door, click the Door name field to get a drop-down to select from doors.
The next step is to create the Configuration items and press + to get a form to build the configuration items.
You need to fill out three different type of items. To define which relay you will need to input the following information:
- DoorType = ElevatorFloor
- LockType = RemoteIO
- Lock.Hardware.Address = (remote/Token/X) - X is the number of the relay which starts from 8 up to 15.
Create IdPoint
We need to create an IdPoint for each Door.
Do this by clicking IdPoints to expand and see which idpoints this door controller has, then press the New Item button and fill out the form. Press the Save button above the form to deploy it to the door controller.
Create IdPointConfiguration
Now we can create an associated IdPointConfiguration for this idpoint. Do this by clicking IdPointConfigurations to expand and see which configurations this door controller has, then press the New Item button.
To link the IdPointConfiguration to an idpoint, click the IdPoint field to get a drop-down to select from idpoints.
See the table below to match the additional configuration items that need to be defined in Entryfy.
- IdPoint.RS-485HD.Protocol = OSDP
- IdPoint.RS-485HD.Protocol = OSDP
Create AccessPoint
Now we can create an AccessPoint which will link the door, idpoint and direction. Do this by clicking AccessPoints to expand and see which configurations this door controller has, then press the New Item button. Building an AccessPoint contains three steps described below:
- Press the Entity to select which door to link AccessPoint.
- Press the plus sign next to IdPointDevice to select which idpoint works with the door.
- Press the plus sign next to Attributes to select the direction for the access point.
- Name: Direction
- Value: in
Assign AccessPoint to AccessController
Now we need to assign the access point to the AccessController entity on the device. Do this by clicking AccessControllers to expand and see which configurations this door controller has, then press the plus sign next to AccessPointTokens. Then select the newly created AccessPoint from the list.
Create IoAssignment
The last step is to link the idpoint and door through the Eth0 IoAssignment profile. Do this by clicking IoAssignment to expand and see which configurations this door controller has, then press the Eth0 row to open the form.
Press the plus icon to create an IoUser for each relay you are adding. The information below is what you need to fill out:
- Type - doorcontrol
- Token - Select the door
- Usage - Lock_Remote
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