Welcome to Entryfy!
As your organization's hardware manager, you have been provided with an email and a password to access Entryfy's web admin panel and mobile application.
Your email address has already been added to the system database, so please check your inbox for the invitation email.
- Follow the instructions in the email to set up your Entryfy password.
Remember, your password must be secure, including lower and upper cases and at least one numeral.
Please check your spam folder if you don't see the invitation email in your inbox. If the email isn't there or you encounter any issues, please contact us at support@entryfy.com.
- Once your password is set, you can log in at https://admin.entryfy.com.
- If you can access the system, you can use the email address and password you just set.
If you experience difficulties accessing the admin area despite entering the correct credentials, it may be due to a lack of authorization. In such cases, Entryfy's support team is unable to assist. Please contact your organization's administrators for further help.
Upon successful login, you will see a list of organizations that you are authorized to manage.
- Select the desired organization and set your role as the hardware manager.
While in the admin area, you can freely switch between your organizations by clicking on the user symbol at the top right corner. The same icon also allows you to log out.
In the menu, you'll see the following tabs:
Security devices: This page provides an overview of your organization's sites and allows you to manage sections and linked hardware.
- Advanced configuration: This page provides advanced configuration for your organization's door controllers.
- Controller logs: This page provides event logs for the organization's door controllers.
- Organization settings: This page provides configuration for your organization.
- Child organizations: This page provides management of organizations linked to yours.
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