Users is a section of the Entryfy system where you can create new users and conduct the primary management of those already created.
General rule: The system may take some time (usually at most 3 minutes) to add a new user to the database. The more accesses you assign to the user, the more time it will take for the system to accomplish all the procedures.
After you create a user, the system automatically sends an invitation email to the given email address. The email contains all the links and brief onboarding information that will help the user set the password, download the app, and, in general, get into Entryfy.
Create new user
To add a user, click Create New User.
The New user window opens. This window consists of several sections:
- User information - For entering a user's details.
- Pincode - You define a user's Pincode; if not, the system will generate one.
- Keycard - You can specify a keycard upon creation.
- Vehicle - You can specify a license plate during creation.
- Accesses - You can assign a user to accesses upon creation.
User information:
To create a user, fill in the email address, first name, and last name fields and choose the user role(s). Users may have more than one role.
There are three roles:
- Operator - Limited role. The system can be managed through the Operator view. Read more about it in the Temporary Access article.
- Regular - Limited role. They can use the mobile application to administrate their credentials.
- Guest - Limited role. They can use the mobile application to administrate their credentials. Learn more about Guest users in the Temporary Access article.
Note. It is recommended that you have a separate regular user not be logged out of the mobile application or vice versa while using the system.
To postpone user activation, use the Valid From field and set up the date and time you want the user's credentials to become valid. Learn more about the calendar in the How to work with Entryfy's calendar. Article. Use the Valid To field calendar to set the date and time when the user's credentials expire. These are optional fields; you can leave one or both empty.
Note. Valid From and Valid To fields create a rule that overruns all other access rules. For example, if the user belongs to an access with a schedule allowing the access right now, this user won't be able to open a door if they are not valid. Users that are not valid at the moment are highlighted in red.
To create a Pincode, fill out the following fields in the User creation form under the Pincode tab.
- Value - four to eight digits.
- Label - the designation the user will see in the mobile application.
Note: As an administrator, you can register a keycard only while creating a user. After Save is pushed, the keycard can be added only by the user with the help of the mobile application.
To create a Keycard, fill out the following fields in the User creation form under the Keycard tab.
- Value - Card hex - keycard number in Hexadecimal format.
- Number - Card number - keycard number in integer format.
- Label - The name of the key card the user will see in the mobile application.
While card numbers may (or may not) be printed on the card itself, card hex can only be extracted via a card reader - you can connect such a device to your computer via USB.
Double-check if the Card hex and Card number are correct. If there is a mistake, the user cannot open a door.
Before you Save the user, you may also need to add the user to an Access. Please read the section below before saving the user because some actions will no longer be available once saved.
To create a license plate, fill out the following fields in the User creation form under the Vehicles tab.
- Value - The license plate number of the vehicle.
- Label - The administrator will see the vehicle's name in the portal.
While creating, one more thing that you can do is add a user to the already existing accesses. You can add the user to access at the corresponding tab of the Entryfy system - Accesses.
Suspend/Edit user.
To suspend, delete, or edit a user, click the three-dot menu in the right part of the user's strip.
You can select the desired action from the list.
- Edit - you'll see the same window you end up at after clicking Create New User. You can modify the user's email address, first name, last name, and the "Valid from" and "Valid to" fields.
- Suspend - suspended users cannot enter the mobile app or open any doors they used to have access to. The suspended user has the status Suspended, meaning the user's credentials are only temporarily revoked. To restore all user's accesses, click Activate in the same submenu,
Get detailed information about the user's profile.
On the homepage of the Users tab, you can check email address, first name, last name, role(s), status, keycards of the user, and dates: when a user was created and when they are supposed to be activated or deactivated.
But you can get more data by:
- Clicking on the user's strip
- Clicking on the user's email address
In the first case, you'll see the expandable block with the following information:
- User ID
- Date and time when the user was created and also the last time they were updated
- User role(s)
By clicking on the user's email address, you open the user's page, where you can go through the tabs:
- Accesses - all the accesses the user belongs to
- Access logs - when precisely the user opened a door and which door it was
- Audit logs - when the user logs in when they received permissions, etc
- Vehicles - Which vehicles belong to the user and manage them.
- Pincodes - Which pin codes belong to the user and manage them.
- Keycards - Which keycards belong to the user and manage them.
- Permissions - Which doors does the user have access to.
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