Security devices is a section of the Entryfy Board, where you can check the door controllers and cameras that belong to your organization, as well as get doors' QR codes - the essential part of the Scan QR auth type setup. And also check the current status of door controllers.
Security devices is exceptionally an observation tab giving organization administrators no power to add or remove the hardware. Use Security devices to:
- Better understand the architecture of your organization in the Entryfy system
- Check the number of doors, the names of the doors
- Check whether the controller online or offline
- Get the QR codes of doors for the Scan QR feature
In the Entryfy system, each door, as well as each user, has its own unique QR code. Whereas a user's QR code is the private credential that is not available to anyone except for the given user, doors' QR codes are public.
To get door's QR code:
- Go to the
- Click on the door you need.
In the expanded block, you'll see two QR codes - the one that opens the door from the outside (Entry QR code) and the one that opens the door from the inside (Exit QR code).
These two QR codes are the codes that users must have access to in order to open the door in the corresponding direction using the Scan QR feature. If there are users that are supposed to go through a door via Scan QR auth type, the door must have the code placed next to it.
Feel free to download the QR code images, print them and put on the wall next to the door or on the door itself. Make sure the Entry QR code is placed from the outside and the Exit QR code is on the inside.
The list of the auth types the door is actually capable of
The auth types you can apply to one door may differ from those you can apply to another door in your organization. While the list of auth types generally available to you depends on your organization's subscription, the auth types applicable to the exact door depend on what this door is equipped with.
Read more about auth types in the How to best choose Auth types for groups? article.
To get the list of credentials that the given door is capable of:
- Go to the
- Click on the door you need.
Next to the door's Entry and Exit QR codes, you will see a list of auth types that the given door supports. Use this list while creating groups to make sure the credentials you issue will actually open the door.
Consider the example. In this scenario, the organization's subscription embraces all of the auth types available. In your organization, some of the auth types mentioned may be unavailable.
2 out of 10 doors at your office have camera-equipped door stations at their disposal (Show QR auth type). Another 6 doors don't have the door stations, but do have the versatile keypads (PIN and Keycard auth types). The remaining 2 doors have only the card readers (Keycard auth type). All of the doors have identical equipment for both, direction in and direction out.
The list of auth types available to you while creating the group will be:
- Show QR, PIN, Keycard and Keycard+PIN - the physical auth types requiring the corresponding equipment.
- Remote, Remote+PIN, Scan QR and Scan QR+PIN - the virtual auth types available regardless of the equipment installed.
However, if you check the available to the given door credentials, you see:
- Show QR, Remote, Remote+PIN, Scan QR or Scan QR+PIN for the Door 1-2.
- PIN, Keycard, Keycard+PIN, Remote, Remote+PIN, Scan QR or Scan QR+PIN for the Door 3-8.
- Keycard, Remote, Remote+PIN, Scan QR or Scan QR+PIN for the Door 9-10.
It's crucial that all of the doors that you add to a group support the entry and exit auth types you set for the group.
Door controller status
Entryfy system relies largely on the quality of the internet connection. While users' smartphones are allowed to stay offline while applying certain credentials, door controllers must stay online most of the time for their correct and reliable operation.
To check whether door controllers are online or offline at the moment, choose the Site you're interested in from the list. Then, go to the sheet.
On the sheet that opens, you can see all of the controllers that belong to the given Site. Note that in most cases, the list of controllers that belong to a Site is essentially the list of controllers of your entire organization. However, if you have a multi-site organization in Entryfy, you'll see the list of controllers that only belong to this exact Site.
In the Status column, you can see the current state of the door controller. Use the Status of a door controller to assess the Status of all the doors the given door controller is assigned to.
Why doors need to be online
- To let the system apply the changes you've made via Entryfy Board
- To let users apply their virtual credentials (Remote, Remote+PIN, Scan QR and Scan QR+PIN)
When you perform any action that creates new credentials or modifies the ones already created (set the Valid from/Valid to, assign new schedules, add users to groups, etc), the data about changes reaches the door controllers, which, in turn, apply these changes to the corresponding doors, by means of the internet. For as long as the connection is lost, Entryfy Board data is not synchronized with data on the controllers.
If you issue or modify the credentials while a controller is offline, all of the affected Users, Groups and Schedules get the status Updating. It means that your requests have been added to a queue and will be accomplished within about 10 minutes from the moment the controller resurrects.
When it happens, all of the Updating entities are supposed to change their status back to Ready, which means that all of the changes you've made have successfully been applied. If this doesn't happen and the considered entities stay updating for a prolonged time after the controller is back online, please contact us at
Controller internet connection loss doesn't lead to any irreversible consequences and should not be considered critical if no virtual credentials are assigned to the controller's doors.
If users do go through the doors using any of the virtual auth types, the connection status is critical because the doors will not open to Remote(+PIN) or Scan QR(+PIN) if the controller is offline at the moment.
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